The legal form of EKPIZO, its organization as a whole and the consumer association obliges us to have certain governing bodies, the General Assembly and the Administrative Council. The General Assembly, which is the Union’s supreme body, makes decisions that bind all members, approves the review of the activities of the outgoing Administrative Council, decides on whether to approve the budget and balance sheet any whether any changes are needed in the statutes. Furthermore, the General Assembly elects the members of the Administrative Council.
Under the articles of association of EKPIZO, the General Assembly takes place every 2 years. Since 2007, and after the amendment of Law 2251/94, it is required that a judicial representative is present when the elections are carried out.
14th General Assembly, March 2015
The 14th General Assembly took place on March 29 2015 at our office in Athens.
In the beginning, the outgoing chairwoman Ms Alevritou, greeted the audience and presented the administrative and financial report of EKPIZO for the years 2013-2014. After the members’ unanimous approval of the activities of EKPIZO, a discussion ensued amongst the members, including questions, opinions and suggestions.
Afterwards, Ms Alevritou presented the candidates and briefly their CVs for the election of the new Administrative Council.
Following this, the elections ensued for the new Administrative Council of EKPIZO and for the representatives of the Panhellenic Federation for Consumer Associations «ΠΟΜΕΚ – Η ΠΑΡΕΜΒΑΣΗ» (POMEK “THE INTERVENTION”).
13th General Assembly, April 2013
The 13th General Assembly of members took place on April 5 2013 at the Athens Bar Association facilities.
The first part of the Assembly was open both to members and non-members. The Chairwoman of EKPIZO greeted the audience, presented the wide-ranging work of the Union and highlighted its foremost achievements as a tribute to the 25th anniversary of the operation of EKPIZO. Afterwards, the President of the Athens Bar Association Mr. Adamopoulos greeted the attendees, and more specifically the General Secretary for Consumers Mr. Stergiou, the Advocate for Consumers Mr. Zerveas, the President of EFET (Hellenic Food Authority) Mr. Tsialtas, the Commission for Competion Mr. Kiritsakis, the representative of the Regulatory Authority for Energy Mr. Katsaros, the President of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants Mr. Kavvathas, the President of the Association for Insurance Companies in Greece Mr. Sarrigeorgiou, the representative of the Hellenic Confederation of Commerce & Entrepreneurship Mr. Politakis, the representative of the Federation of Hellenic Food Industries Ms. Papadimitriou.
The second part of the Assembly was open solely to members. The outgoing Chairwoman of EKPIZO briefly presented the administrative and financial report for the years 2011-2012 and following the unanimous approval of these activities, a discussion amongst the members ensued, including questions, opinions and suggestions by the members.
Subsequently, the outgoing Chairwoman of the Administrative Council presented to the members the new candidates for the Council and briefly their CVs. After the completion of said activities, the elections took place for the new Administrative Council of EKPIZO and for the representatives of the Panhellenic Federation for Consumer Associations «ΠΟΜΕΚ – Η ΠΑΡΕΜΒΑΣΗ» (POMEK “THE INTERVENTION”).
12th General Assembly, March 2011
The 12th General Assembly took place on March 20-21 2011 at the new offices of EKPIZO in Athens-Thessaloniki for the appointment of the new Administrative Council and for the representatives of the Panhellenic Federation for Consumer Associations «ΠΟΜΕΚ – Η ΠΑΡΕΜΒΑΣΗ» (POMEK “THE INTERVENTION”). This General Assembly followed the timetable set in the invitation:
- Administrative and financial review for 2009-2010
- Elections for the new Administrative Council and POMEK representatives
The outgoing Chairwoman of EKPIZO presented a brief review for the years 2009-2010 of the activities of EKPIZO. Following the unanimous approval of these activities, a discussion ensued amongst the members including questions-opinions-suggestions, which focused on the issue of indebtedness of individuals and the relevant legislation.
Afterwards, the outgoing Chairwoman of the Administrative Council presented to the members the new candidates for the Council and briefly their CVs. Subsequently, the elections took place for the appointment of the new Administrative Council of EKPIZO and for the representatives of the Panhellenic Federation for Consumer Associations.
11th General Assembly, February 2009
The 11th General Assembly took place on February 8 2009 at Hotel Acropol (Thiseio Hall) in Athens. This General Assembly followed the timetable set in the invitation:
- Administrative and financial review for 2007-2008
- Elections for the new Administrative Council and POMEK representatives
As a tribute to the 20th anniversary of EKPIZO in 2008, the work of EKPIZO was presented in summary, after which the cutting of the New Year’s cake took place.
The outgoing Chairwoman of EKPIZO presented a short review of the activities of EKPIZO for the years 1988-2008 and 2007-2008. Following the unanimous approval of these activities, a discussion ensued amongst the members, including questions-opinions-suggestions that focused on matters of organization, of public relations for EKPIZO (need for consistent and frequent contact with members, larger publicity of the joint actions of EKPIZO with other bodies) and on matters regarding the environment and the upcoming financial crisis.
Thereafter, the outgoing Chairwoman of the Administrative Council presented to the members the new candidates for the Council and briefly their CVs. Subsequently, the elections took place for the appointment of the new Administrative Council of EKPIZO and for the representatives of the Panhellenic Federation for Consumer Associations.